Virtual Bulletin

Updated: October 15, 2024


Live Streaming

Pastor Charles will be live-streaming this Sabbath from 

Jupiter Seventh-day Adventist Church.


Elder In Charge: Glauber

Sabbath Program




Update Regarding Pets on Property


Hello Church Family! 

We wanted to let everyone know that only service dogs that are trained to do work or preform tasks for people with disabilities are 

allowed at church or on church property. No other animals or pets are permitted on the church premises otherwise. 


Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

Remembering Ron Kowalkoski

Dear Church Family,

It is with deep sorrow that we write to inform you of the passing of our beloved brother Ron Kowalkowski on September 11, 2024.

His loss is felt profoundly, and we mourn together as a family.

Ron was a dedicated member of our church, known for his faith , and love of the Lord, His presence will be greatly missed.
Let us come together in prayer and support of Marty Kowalkowski and her family by sending a card to:

Terry Kowalkowski 
244 S Pinnacle Ridge Road 
Waterbury, Vt.  05676 


Until we meet again.



Remembering Dr. Hannu Maattanen


It is with a heavy heart that we share the sad news of Dr. Hannu Maattanen's passing on May 10, 2024 in Alberta, Canada.
If you would like to support the family, please contact:

Leena Maattanen
Site 10 Box 40. RR # 3
Ponoka, AB. T4J  1R3, CANADA




Help With Food Drive Items


Church Family,

We need your help in restocking our Food Drive racks.

Here is a list of items you can donate:



-General Pasta
-Tomato Sauce 
-Tea bags
-Cooking oil 
-Cereal (Adult & Children's)

-Hygiene products 
-Deodorant (Male & Female)
-Gift Cards (Walmart or Publix, for perishable items)


For more information, please contact Eva Page

Thank you!

Food Drive charity movement symbol vector illustration

Women's Ministry Survey 2024-2025

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Welcome to our Women's Ministry Survey! We are reaching out to you because your voice matters deeply to us.

Our ministry's heart is to love, support, and empower every woman on her unique journey of faith. This survey is designed to help us understand your needs, interests, and how we can better serve you.

Your honest feedback will shape our future programs, events, and support systems. Whether you're a long-time member or new to our community, your input is invaluable. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. We simply want to hear your heart and understand how we can walk alongside you in your faith journey.

This survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used to improve our ministry.

Thank you for being part of our sisterhood in Christ. 

Let's grow together!


To take the survey click this link:

Women's Ministry Survey 2024-2025

Prayer Wall: Strengthening Our Community Through Faith 


Dear Church Family,

We're excited to introduce our new Prayer Wall initiative!

This powerful endeavor will help us support one another through the power of prayer.


How it works:

Each Sabbath, we'll add two new names to our Prayer Wall in the sanctuary.

Throughout the week, we invite you to lift up these individuals in prayer.

This simple act keeps us connected and reminds us of the importance of intercessory prayer 

This week, we're focusing our prayers on: 

Belinda Garcia 

Talia Brown

Let's come together in faith and show the incredible impact of a praying community!

Questions? Feel free to ask Sonia Angulo or Samuel Reid.


Remember, your prayers make a difference!


Total Church Involvement



Dear Church Family,

We believe that each person has unique gifts and talents that can contribute to

the growth and enrichment of our church family for the glory of God.

As we strive to serve God and our community better, we encourage you reply to this email

and let us know how the Lord is leading you to get involved. 

Here are various ways you can get involved:


Church Outreach

Phone committee
Health ministries
Visitations team (Home visits)
Organize Meals
Card Mailing
Send out birthday cards
Send out cards to the sick
Flower Arrangements 

Youth Ministries

Sabbath School Class Piano Players
Working with Youth/Young Adults
AY Socials

Church Maintenance

Handy Man / Carpenter
Carpet Cleaners
Painting (Picnic Tables, Furniture)
Bush Trimming
Table Setup for Gardening/Cooking Classes (Sunday/Monday)
Dish Washing (Sunday)


Social Media
Audio/Visual Operator
Communication Coordinators
Church Directory Assistance


Thank you,
Jupiter Seventh-day Adventist Church

Sharing Jesus is Everything




Dear Church Family,


As you read this book, we pray it draws you closer to Jesus and opens up opportunities for you to share Him with others. If you're interested in sharing your testimony or would like a copy of this book, please send an email to


Christ's method is essential for true success in reaching people. He mingled with others genuinely, showing sympathy, addressing their needs, and earning their trust before inviting them to "Follow Me" (The Ministry of Healing, p. 143). By following His example, we can effectively share His love and message with those around us.

In chapter 11, we explore the vital role of the minister in nurturing existing church members rather than solely focusing on converting non-believers. The emphasis is on training church members to seek deeper spiritual experiences and actively work to reach others.


Personal efforts and public evangelism complement each other in the mission to lead people to Christ. While it is ultimately Jesus who transforms hearts and the Holy Spirit who inspires decisions, pastors serve as guides through preaching and personal engagement.


The chapter underscores that the gospel commission includes both the message and the methods to fulfill it. We are called to work alongside heavenly angels, who eagerly await our collaboration in sharing Jesus with the world. When we commit ourselves fully to Christ, we become instruments to communicate God’s love through His word.


In laboring where there are already some in the faith, the minister should at first seek not so much to convert unbelievers, as to train the church-members for acceptable co-operation. Let him labor for them individually, endeavoring to arouse them to seek for a deeper experience themselves, and to work for others (Gospel Workers, p. 196).


In what sense do personal efforts and public evangelism work together? The mission of Christians is to lead people to Christ. It is Jesus who will transform them, and it is the Holy Spirit who will inspire in them the all-important decision. But it is the role of the pastor, as an evangelist and an instrument in the hands of the Spirit, to guide these people toward making their decisions. This is accomplished by means of preaching.


In the matter of evangelism, nothing more needs to be invented. Jesus would have been unfair had He given us the gospel commission without also laying out the way to fulfill it.


We are to be laborers together with the heavenly angels in presenting Jesus to the world. With almost impatient eagerness the angels wait for our co-operation; for man must be the channel to communicate with man.


And when we give ourselves to Christ in wholehearted devotion, angels rejoice that they may speak through our voices to reveal God's love (The Desire of Ages, p. 297).


In Christ Alone,
Jupiter Seventh-day Adventist Church


Discipleship Training


Every Member involved in Discipleship & Evangelism,

There is no higher calling than to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Nothing compares to knowing and following the Savior of the world.

To know Him is to love Him, and to follow Him is a wonderful adventure.


Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, “Follow Me.” MH 143.3


Join us for our Discipleship class this Sabbath, October 19, @ 2pm

Here am I; send me!

God’s Helping Hands


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